About アバウト

Welcome to "iDuelist's Dreams", where an iDuelist live up to dreams, and live in dreams.
「あい決闘者の夢 ~アイデュエリストズ・ドリームズ~」にようこそ、ここで 一人のアイデュエリストが夢の為に生きる、そして、夢の中で生きる。

My name is Ace Crifude, the iDuelist, the admin and author of this blog.

This blog is a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan blog seek to archive all sort of Yu-Gi-Oh! contents, aside from blogging about my life, views, and works on Yu-Gi-Oh!, above all, my dreams.

"iDuelist's Dreams" is to pursue and promote the most ideal of Yu-Gi-Oh!, shown by how "iDuelist" shares quite the same spelling and sounding as "idealist".
「あい決闘者の夢 ~アイデュエリストズ・ドリームズ~」の目差しは遊戯王の最も理想的な事を追求して促進する事、したがって、「アイデュエリスト」と「アイディリスト」が殆ど同じ綴り字・発音を持って見えます。

The original Yu-Gi-Oh! comes close to the most ideal of Yu-Gi-Oh!, thus all the names and terms of Yu-Gi-Oh! in this blog are translated or transliterated from the original instead of the official English version.

This blog is multilingual, the primary language is English for that it is an international language, Japanese and Chinese language will also be used.

For any opinions or inquiries, feel free to leave me comments here in this blog, or reach out for me via the following social media.
● Youtube ユーチューブ
● Facebook フェイスブック
● Twitter ツイッター
● Instagram インスタグラム

iDuelist's Dream is not affiliated to Kazuki Takahashi, Konami, Toei Animation, Studio Gallop, Nihon Ad Systems and TV Tokyo. This blog is a fan blog for the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchises. No copyright infringement intended. All materials go to their rightful owners. Yu-Gi-Oh! is a copyrighted property of Kazuki Takahashi and its licensed owners, Konami, Toei Animation, Studio Gallop, Nihon Ad Systems and TV Tokyo. All materials are properties of their copyright holders. Some creative rights are reserved.
「あい決闘者の夢 ~アイデュエリストズ・ドリームズ~」は高橋和希・コナミ・東映アニメーション・スタジオぎゃろっぷ・日本アドシステムズ・テレビ東京と関係していません。このブログは遊戯王フランチャイズのファンブログです。著作権侵害は意図されていません。諸権利は、著作者に帰属いたします。それらの著作権はそれぞれの著作権者にあります。 遊戯王は高橋和希・コナミ・東映アニメーション・スタジオぎゃろっぷ・日本アドシステムズ・テレビ東京及びそのライセンスの所有者の著作財産です。全ての物件はその著作権者の所有物です。一部の版権を保有します。


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello Ace.
    I didn't know where to write this comment nor your e-mail so I wrote it right here.

    First of all, thank you very much for gathering such amazing and organized Yugioh content. This is super special for us fans. I like specially the OSTs. Thank you for the amazing job.
    Speaking about OSTs, I would like to find an Yugioh GX BGM but could not find it in the compilations that you have. It plays in episode 60 at 16:50 (https://www.animesonline.cz/videos/52253/yu-gi-oh-gx-legendado-060) and I would like to know if you know the title of the song (japanese or english) or if you already uploaded but I couldn't find it.
    Thank you very much again.

    1. Hi there, Paulo.
      Thanks for commenting.
      You are most welcome. It has always been my pleasure that my works can be of help to fellow Yu-Gi-Oh! fans.
      As it happens, I would like to apologize that I do not reply to my main YouTube channel, due to the substantial comments the channel received was beyond my capability to reply to all of them, thus I decided not to, for fairness.
      About that Yu-Gi-Oh! GX BGM you are looking for, I'm sorry that it's neither released officially nor ripped, as far as I know, I'll try and see if I can find one, or do it myself. I'll let you know when that happens.
      Thank you again for your kind words. Much appreciated.


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